


Today, hundreds of travel-trailer fanatics will cruise their shiny, tin mammoth-mobiles into a concrete field and sit there for days. It's the 52nd annual airstream trailer convention and, for some reason, Madison was picked as this year's host.

Thinking about doing an actual piece on it. When else do caravans of conservatives show up to a liberal college town and demand to be entertained? The convention is technically "international," which really just means Canadians can come if they want.

The guys above are on the septic tank staff. I spent some time riding around on the septic truck because it was gross and interesting and they said I could. They wanted to know where I was taking them for drinks after. I said, "Let's both just stick to our jobs."

They all wear red roses in their hats because "they're the most important people in the convention" and, apparently, they're the "heroes of the airstream club." I mean, I believe it. But I also think it's so they don't gag from the smell of feces from like 1,600 republicans.

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